Quick Reference Table

Metrics, Abbreviations, and Functions Quick Reference

This table contains a list of the metrics names, abbreviations, and the name of the functions that are associated with them. It is a good reference when creating tables or plots to be able to see what metrics are available for use and their abbreviation name.

Full Metric Name Abbreviation Function Name
Anomaly Correlation Coefficient ACC acc
Coefficient of Determination r2 r_squared
Eclidean Distance ED ed
Geometric Mean Difference GMD g_mean_diff
Index of Agreement (d) d d
Index of Agreement (d1) d1 d1
Index of Agreement Refined (dr) dr dr
Inertial Root Mean Square Error IRMSE irmse
Kling-Gupta Efficiency (2009) KGE (2009) kge_2009
Kling-Gupta Efficiency (2012) KGE (2012) kge_2012
Legate-McCabe Efficiency Index E1’ lm_index
Legate-McCabe Index of Agreement D1’ d1_p
Mean Absolute Error MAE mae
Mean Absolute H1 Error H1 (MAHE) h1_mahe
Mean Absolute H10 Error H10 (MAHE) h10_mahe
Mean Absolute H2 Error H2 (MAHE) h2_mahe
Mean Absolute H3 Error H3 (MAHE) h3_mahe
Mean Absolute H4 Error H4 (MAHE) h4_mahe
Mean Absolute H5 Error H5 (MAHE) h5_mahe
Mean Absolute H6 Error H6 (MAHE) h6_mahe
Mean Absolute H7 Error H7 (MAHE) h7_mahe
Mean Absolute H8 Error H8 (MAHE) h8_mahe
Mean Absolute Log Error MALE male
Mean Absolute Percentage Deviation MAPD mapd
Mean Absolute Percentage Error MAPE mape
Mean Absolute Scaled Error MASE mase
Mean Arctangent Absolute Percentage Error MAAPE maape
Mean Error ME me
Mean H1 Error H1 (MHE) h1_mhe
Mean H10 Error H10 (MHE) h10_mhe
Mean H2 Error H2 (MHE) h2_mhe
Mean H3 Error H3 (MHE) h3_mhe
Mean H4 Error H4 (MHE) h4_mhe
Mean H5 Error H5 (MHE) h5_mhe
Mean H6 Error H6 (MHE) h6_mhe
Mean H7 Error H7 (MHE) h7_mhe
Mean H8 Error H8 (MHE) h8_mhe
Mean Log Error MLE mle
Mean Squared Error MSE mse
Mean Squared Log Error MSLE msle
Mean Variance MV mean_var
Median Absolute Error MdAE mdae
Median Error MdE mde
Median Squared Error MdSE mdse
Mielke-Berry R (MB) R mb_r
Modified Index of Agreement d (Mod.) dmod
Modified Nash-Sutcliffe Efficiency NSE (Mod.) nse_mod
Nash-Sutcliffe Efficiency NSE nse
Normalized Eclidean Distance NED ned
Normalized Root Mean Square Error - IQR NRMSE (IQR) nrmse_iqr
Normalized Root Mean Square Error - Mean NRMSE (Mean) nrmse_mean
Normalized Root Mean Square Error - Range NRMSE (Range) nrmse_range
Pearson Correlation Coefficient R (Pearson) pearson_r
Relative Index of Agreement d (Rel.) drel
Relative Nash-Sutcliffe Efficiency NSE (Rel.) nse_rel
Root Mean Square Error RMSE rmse
Root Mean Square H1 Error H1 (RMSHE) h1_rmshe
Root Mean Square H10 Error H10 (RMSHE) h10_rmshe
Root Mean Square H2 Error H2 (RMSHE) h2_rmshe
Root Mean Square H3 Error H3 (RMSHE) h3_rmshe
Root Mean Square H4 Error H4 (RMSHE) h4_rmshe
Root Mean Square H5 Error H5 (RMSHE) h5_rmshe
Root Mean Square H6 Error H6 (RMSHE) h6_rmshe
Root Mean Square H7 Error H7 (RMSHE) h7_rmshe
Root Mean Square H8 Error H8 (RMSHE) h8_rmshe
Root Mean Squared Log Error RMSLE rmsle
Spearman Rank Correlation Coefficient R (Spearman) spearman_r
Spectral Angle SA sa
Spectral Correlation SC sc
Spectral Gradient Angle SGA sga
Spectral Information Divergence SID sid
Symmetric Mean Absolute Percentage Error (1) SMAPE1 smape1
Symmetric Mean Absolute Percentage Error (2) SMAPE2 smape2
Volumetric Efficiency VE ve
Watterson’s M M watt_m