Hydrostats Documentation¶
Hydrostats is a library of tools and functions for users working with time series data, with some tools specific to the field of hydrology (hence Hydrostats). All of the tools contained in Hydrostats are built using a few different python libraries including numpy, scipy, pandas, matplotlib, and numba. It is meant to provide a high-level interface for users to be able to perform common tasks regarding time series analysis.
Hydrostats contains tools for for preprocessing data, visualizing data, calculating error metrics on observed and predicted time series, and forecast validation. It contains over 70 error metrics, with many metrics specific to the field of hydrology.
See the examples folder in this repository for a Jupyter notebook highlighting some of the main features of Hydrostats.
- Installation
- Preprocessing (hydrostats.data)
- Visualization (hydrostats.visual)
- Metrics of Hydrological Skill (hydrostats.metrics)
- Metrics of Ensemble Forecast Skill (hydrostats.ens_metrics)
- Analysis (hydrostats.analyze)
- Quick Reference Table
- List of Plot File Types
- List of Timezones
- Matplotlib Linestyles Help
- Release Notes
- Contributing to Hydrostats