Preprocessing (¶ Module¶
The data module contains tools for preprocessing data. It allows users to merge timeseries, compute daily and monthly summary statistics, and get seasonal periods of a time series.
julian_to_gregorian (dataframe[, frequency, …]) |
Converts the index of the merged dataframe from julian float values to gregorian datetime values. |
merge_data ([sim_fpath, obs_fpath, sim_df, …]) |
Merges two dataframes or csv files, depending on the input. |
daily_average (df[, rolling]) |
Calculates daily seasonal averages of the timeseries data in a DataFrame |
daily_std_error (merged_data) |
Calculates daily seasonal standard error of the timeseries data in a DataFrame |
daily_std_dev (merged_data) |
Calculates daily seasonal standard deviation of the timeseries data in a DataFrame |
monthly_average (merged_data) |
Calculates monthly seasonal averages of the timeseries data in a DataFrame |
monthly_std_error (merged_data) |
Calculates monthly seasonal standard error of the timeseries data in a DataFrame |
monthly_std_dev (merged_data) |
Calculates monthly seasonal standard deviation of the timeseries data in a DataFrame |
remove_nan_df (merged_dataframe) |
Drops rows with NaN, zero, negative, and inf values from a pandas dataframe |
seasonal_period (merged_dataframe, daily_period) |
Creates a dataframe with a specified seasonal period |