
Calculates monthly seasonal standard error of the timeseries data in a DataFrame

Parameters:merged_data (DataFrame) – A pandas DataFrame with a datetime index and columns containing float type values.
Returns:A pandas dataframe with a string type index of date representations and the monthly seasonal standard error as float values in the columns.
Return type:DataFrame


>>> import as hd
>>> import pandas as pd
>>> pd.options.display.max_rows = 15

The data URLs contain streamflow data from two different models, and are provided from the Hydrostats Github page

>>> sfpt_url = r''
>>> glofas_url = r''
>>> merged_df = hd.merge_data(sfpt_url, glofas_url, column_names=('Streamflow Prediction Tool', 'GLOFAS'))
>>> hd.monthly_std_error(merged_df)
    Streamflow Prediction Tool      GLOFAS
01                   75.348943   71.206858
02                   65.182159   58.347438
03                   83.865980   72.919782
04                  131.199766  123.486202
05                  165.707528  139.586564
06                  149.938998  136.119774
07                  136.449337  115.436215
08                  129.371343  110.101251
09                  143.367894  123.798265
10                  133.911782  114.008446
11                  146.896826  116.443188
12                  135.092750  117.958715